Sunday, March 22, 2020
COMP 2 Essays - A Rose For Emily, Emily, Fiction,
COMP 2 DISCUSSION 1 A. Brooks and Warren suggest that "A Rose for Emily" is "a story of horror" where "we have a decaying mansion in which the protagonist, shut away from the world, grows into something monstrous." Brooks and Warren go on to ask the question, "Is the horror meaningful?" If the horror of "A Rose for Emily" is meaningful, what does it mean? A. William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" is a story of the decaying southern morals and the negligence of an image obsessed society attempting to hide the unthinkable to hinder their inevitable downfall. The prevalent horror is that the town will no longer be the same due to the sinful acts of Emily, decaying the towns outward appearance. As stated by Cleanth Brooks Jr. and Robert Penn Warren, "Just as the horror of her deed lies outside the ordinary life of the community, so the magnificence of her independence lies outside their ordinary virtues." If the problem is not addressed, then the problem will not be an issue, and the town will remain in the monotony they have grown accustom to. Likewise, another horror that is evident in "A Rose for Emily" is the incentive that has captured the town to ignore the murder that has occurred in order to try to keep the last fragments of their town from being destroyed, just like the south during this post-civil war time period. The meaning of thi s horror is that a society can become so twisted into preserving the image they meticulously hand crafted, that they will ignore and cover twisted acts, such as Emily's murder of Homer, in order to preserve that image because the thought of the unknown consequences to the towns image petrifies them. Emily's past is also a horror story due to her condemning father that manipulated her every action. Emily was victim of lack of control, lashing out in an attempt to have a sliver of control in order to understand her situation. Emily was a victim to patriarchal control and by killing homer, she not only killed the monopolizing patriarchal image of the town, but now controls them, even in death, through the murder. She lingers on their minds every day and now has the town hiding what she has done. The town may think Emily lacks intelligence and self-discipline because of her actions, but in reality, she, the matriarchy, has taken victory to the patriarchy town, just like the North took v ictory to the South; it is the changing of societal norms that also occurred with the decaying south. The final horror in "A Rose For Emily" is that Emily was striving for control her whole life and in that strife for power, her happiness was depleted until she found control through killing Homer, a metaphor for her home. Once she killed homer, a reference to her home, her past trials and tribulations where lifted, thus allowing her to finally achieve happiness and subsequently freedom. As stated by Yona Kifer, Daniel Heller, Wei Qi Elaine Perunovic, Adam D. Galinsky, "Although striving for power lowers well-being, these results demonstrate the pervasive positive psychological effects of having power, and indicate the importance of spreading power to enhance collective well-being.", which is what occurred to Emily when she murdered Homer, the feeling of freedom.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Formal Essay in Human Relationships and Life Transitions Being an Adult Essay Essay Example
Formal Essay in Human Relationships and Life Transitions Being an Adult Essay Essay Example Formal Essay in Human Relationships and Life Transitions Being an Adult Essay Essay Formal Essay in Human Relationships and Life Transitions Being an Adult Essay Essay Throughout this essay. I will be discoursing the passage of adolescence. This passage is a phase of development between childhood and maturity. from approximately 12 to 20 old ages of age. This passage from childhood to maturity is smooth for some but unsmooth for others ( Caspi. 2000 ) . This essay will discourse predictable and non-predictable elements of the passage. Health in adolescence issues this involves drugs A ; alcohol maltreatment and sexually familial infections ( STIs ) are classified as unpredictable elements. Physical Development ( organic structure growing and physical alterations during adolescence ) or Puberty and Cognitive Development are classified as a predictable component during the passage. It will besides research the impact on relationships and constructs of ego for individuals set abouting the passage. Furthermore. it will consider the parts of modern-day and seminal writers to depict the differences between the two yesteryear and nowadayss authors/researcher’s theories in apprehension of the adolescence life passages. Another factor that will be discussed is the construct of ego during the passage. and so eventually it will comprehensively explicate the importance for nurses to understand the adolescence passage. : A. The importance of predictable and unpredictable elements in Adolescence passages will help in placing the important alterations in every life event passage. Furthermore. it will besides profit in back uping stripling to run into ambitious alterations throughout the passage. The first predictable component is puberty the biological passage of adolescence. the most noticeable mark of being an stripling. Theoretically. pubescence refers as a corporate term to mention to all the physical alterations that occur in the turning miss or male child as the single base on ballss from childhood into maturity ( Habermas A ; Bluck. 2000 ) . In boys a major alteration is the increased production of testosterone. a male sex endocrine. while girls experience increased production of the female endocrine oestrogen ( Dedovic. Wadiwalla. Engert. A ; Pruessner. 2009 ) . In boys a major alteration is the increased production of testosterone. a male sex endocrine. while girls experience increased production of the female endocrine oestrogen ( Carpentier A ; Fortenberry. 2010 ) . Internally. through the development of chief sexual features. striplings become capable of sexual reproduction. Externally. as secondary sexual features appear. misss and male childs begin to look like mature adult females and work forces. In boys primary and secondary sexual features normally emerge in a predictable order. with the rapid growing of the testicles and scrotum. accompanied by the visual aspect of pubic hair. In ulterior old ages. it will get down the growing of facial and body hair. and a gradual lowering of the voice. Around mid-adolescence internal alterations begin doing a male child capable of bring forthing and blurt outing sperm. In misss. sexual features develop in a less regular sequence. Normally. the first mark of pubescence is a little lift of the chests. but sometimes this is preceded by the visual aspect of pubic hair. In adolescent misss. internal sexual alterations include ripening of the womb. vagina. and other parts of the generative system. Menarche ( Cochrane. 1993 ) . Regular ovulation and the ability to transport a babe to full term normally follow menarche by several old ages. The 2nd predictable component is Cognitive Development passage a 2nd component of the transition through adolescence is a cognitive passage ( Champion A ; Collins. 2010 ) . Compared to kids. striplings think in ways that are more advanced. more efficient. and by and large more complex. Adolescence persons become better able than kids to believe about what is possible. alternatively of restricting their idea to what is existent. Whereas children’s thought is oriented to the here and now- that is. to things and events that they can detect straight. striplings are able to see what they observe against a background of what is possible- they can believe hypothetically. Second. during the transition into adolescence. persons become better able to believe about abstract thoughts. This is clearly seen in the adolescent’s increased installation and involvement in believing about interpersonal relationships. political relations. doctrine. faith. and morality- topics that involve such abstract constructs as friendly relationship. religion. democracy. equity. and honestness. Third. during adolescence persons begins believing more frequently about the procedure of believing itself. or metacognition. As a consequence. striplings may expose increased self-contemplation and uneasiness. Although betterments in metacognitive abilities provide of import rational advantages. one potentially negative by merchandise of these progresss is the inclination for striplings to develop a kind of egoism. or intense preoccupation with the ego. Acute adolescent egoism sometimes leads adolescents to believe that others are invariably watching and measuring them. much as an audience glues its attending to an histrion on a phase. Whereas kids tend to believe about things one facet at a clip. striplings can see things through more complicated lenses. Adolescents describe themselves and others in more differentiated and complicated footings and happen it easier to look at jobs from multiple positions. The unpredictable elements are wellness related issues in adolescence are alcohol and other drug usage. Experiment with psychotropic substance is widespread during adolescence. Psychoactive substances are of course happening or unreal stuffs that act on the nervous system. changing perceptual experiences. tempers and behavior. They range from of course happening substances. such as intoxicant. which is produced from the agitation of works sugars by barm. to designer drugs such as ecstasy. Most teenager experiment with different substances. representing substance usage and in some individual’s experimentation escalates into accustomed or perennial usage known as substance maltreatment. They besides engaged in â€Å"binge drinking†which originating in recent old ages. Binge imbibing is defined as the back-to-back consumption of five or more standard drinks in less than two hours. Other factors of unpredictable wellness issues is sexually familial infections. adolescent sexual behavior may enforce a important wellness hazard to adolescents through a scope of sexually transmitted infections ( STIs ) . Sexually familial infections are bacterial and viral infections that enter the organic structure via the mucose membranes of the oral cavity and the sex organs following physical contact. Sexually transmitted infection includes pox. gonorrhea. venereal lice. itchs. chlamydia. herpes. venereal warts. hepatitis and HIV/AIDS. The ground for the high rates of STIs in striplings is that this age group is more prone to sexual experimentation and hazardous sexual behaviors than other age groups. Hazardous sexual behavior includes unprotected sexual activity without utilizing barriers such as rubbers. sexual activity affecting multiple spouses and sexual activity affecting spouses whose sexual is unknown. B. The impact on relationships and constructs of ego for individuals set abouting the passage is established by a personal individuality a cardinal undertaking of adolescence is successful declaration of Erikson’s psychosocial crisis of individuality versus function confusion. Identify formation involves selectively incorporating some facets of earlier childhood individuality and flinging others. Successful declaration of the individuality crisis of adolescence depends on the chances to experiment with different societal functions and activities. Individual differences place accomplishment are due to civilization. gender functions. equal influences. rearing manners and life fortunes experienced by striplings. which may increase or diminish chances for geographic expedition. Self-concept is based on more abstract beliefs and values than the concrete and comparative thoughts of ego during childhood. Increased of perspective-taking ability may uncover ‘true’ and ‘false’ egos in relation to interactions with different people. but this can reflect positive experimentation with different functions that contribute to self-concept. Self-esteem lessenings significantly between child self-concept and mid- adolescence. and more dramatically for misss than for male childs. The sex differences is likely anchored to sex-role differences. greater organic structure image dissatisfaction in misss than in male childs. and the differential encouragement to dignity that romantic relationships bring to adolescent male childs and misss. Parent –child relationships become less asymmetrical term s of the balance of power during adolescence compared with childhood. as a consequence of adolescent’s push for liberty. There are broad single differences in the grade of liberty achieved by striplings. depending on rearing manners and cultural and gender based norms and attitude. During adolesce. close same-sex coteries and larger. looser mergers of several coteries called crow. Cliques and crowds provide the background for new cross-sex interaction. including romantic relationships. Peer group conformance within coteries seeks out different sorts of advice and support from both parents and equals. Nonetheless. for minority uneffective parenting and influenced with a incorrect crowd will see a condemnable calling. worsen the preexistent interpersonal troubles that predispose stripling to force and being a pack members in the society. Bullying is besides common in the society particularly teens in primary and high school. it can impact the psychosocial development of a individual. Positive peer relationships include same-sex friendly relationships that are high in familiarity and common support are both indispensable in bridging to a successful romantic relationships which may besides get down during adolescence. During adolescence. most persons experience their first sexual intercourse. The age when this occurs is going earlier. depending on gender. cultural restraints and equal influences. Sexual minority position –lesbians. homosexual or bisexual may present extra challenges to place formation and sexual ripening during adolescence. C. The part of past and present writers and researcher’s in understanding towards the adolescent life passages has huge alterations in clip. Harmonizing to Kohlberg’s theory ( Benenson. Tennyson. A ; Wrangham. 2011 ) extended Piaget’s work on moral development during the 1960’s utilizations male protagonist merely as an illustrations of his theories which contradicts Carol Gilligan’s writer of her popular book. â€Å"In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women’s Development†( 1982 ) . suggested that Kohlberg’s theories were biased against adult females. as lone males were used in his surveies. By listening to women’s experiences. Gilligan offered that a morality of attention can function in the topographic point of the morality of justness and rights espoused by Kohlberg. In her position. the morality of lovingness and duty is premised in passive resistance. while the morality of justness and rights is based on equality. ( Gilligan. 1982 ) . DecisionAs we discussed the chief points of being adolescence it embodies the importance. relevancy and impact of a peculiar life event passage. Adolescence is a distinguishable phase that marks the passage between childhood and maturity. Adolescents are capable of abstract concluding. Although you may still include the household in instruction. striplings themselves are a major focal point of learning since they have considerable independency and are. accordingly. in more control of the grade to which recommendations will be carried out. Adolescents have many of import developmental undertakings to accomplish. They are in the procedure of organizing their ain individuality. dividing themselves from parents. and accommodating to quickly altering organic structures. Bodily alterations at pubescence may do a strong involvement in bodily maps and visual aspect. Sexual accommodation and a strong desire to show sexual impulses become of import. Adolescents may hold trouble conceive ofing that they can go ill or injured. This may lend to accidents due to put on the line taking or hapless conformity in following medical recommendations. Because striplings have a strong natural preoccupation with visual aspect and have a high demand for peer support and credence. wellness recommendations that they view as interfering with their construct of themselves as independent existences may be less likely to be followed. Therefore. as sexual accommodation and strong sexual impulses characterize this age. the nurse may make important learning about sex instruction and contraceptive method. In add-on to learning striplings about why and how their organic structures are altering. the nurse is besides in a good place to chase away misconceptions immature patients may hold about sexual development or sexual behavior. Teaching striplings about gender requires a particular sensitiveness and apprehension. Respect for the patient’s modestness. privateness. and sentiments are critical to set uping an ambiance of openness and trust. In add-on to sex instruction. other of import patient learning countries are alcohol and drug maltreatment and general wellness steps. such as the importance of good nutrition and exercising as the footing for life-long wellness. Regardless of the subject. wellness instruction for striplings is more effectual when the nurse establishes trust by esteeming the adolescent’s needs. shows empathic apprehension. and replies inquiries candidly. Patient learning for striplings should take the signifier of counsel instead than talking. Nurses who gain credibleness with an adolescent patient set up themselves as the teen-ager’s advocator instead than representatives of the parents. The nurse may increase wellness learning effectivity by including the household. The nurse can give counsel and support to household members that can assist them understand and esteem adolescent behavior. Parents should be encouraged to put realistic bounds for striplings while still leting them to go progressively responsible for their ain wellness attention direction.
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