Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Notes on Art History - 2917 Words
Note: This statue of an Ancient Egyptian woman clearly shows the way of dressing in Ancient Egypt. This statue belongs to the New Kingdome period. Body: The woman is wearing a kalasiris, a typical ancient Egyptian dress. The length of the dress tells us that this woman probably belonged to the upper class, as working woman mostly wore a kalasiris in a shorter variant. The dress is made of linen, which was perfect for Egypt’s hot climate. The dress is undecorated, but does have a lot of pleats going in various directions, which must have been very labour intensive. Head: The woman is wearing a wig, made of human hair or date palm fibres. The hair is curled and was kept together by wax. The wigs were only worn by wealthy people.†¦show more content†¦In that era, all men wore the same type of cloth, but the fabric and way it was worn, marked important social differences. Agustus, being an emperor is therefore a clear example of how people of higher social status would wear their clothes. Body: Augustus is wearing a tunica, an essential garment in the warderobe of the ancient Roman man. It consists of two pieces of rectangular fabric, one set on top of the other. It was sewn together at the sides and the top wit holes left for the head and arms. This tunica has long and wide sleeves. On top of the tunica, Augustus wears a toga. A long cloak which is draped around the body. Head: Augustus has short cut hair and his toga is draped around his head to form a hood. Court of Emperor Justinian with Macimian and court officialsand Praetorian Guards, Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy, 547 AC, Mosaik Note: A clear example of clothing from the Byzantium era. Body: Justinian, in the centre, is wearing an imperial chlamys with a large lozenge shaped goldon panel (tablion) and an opulent brooch. Underneath that he wears a white silk tunic with tight sleeves (Divistion), which is decorated with god stripes and circular roundles and gold embroidered rd shoes. The Dignitaries wear a white chlamys with a purple tablion an an embroidered tunic. The archbishop Maximianus wears a goldon chasuble and a white dalmatic with very wideShow MoreRelatedThe Realism Movement Of France1606 Words  | 7 Pagesthe Realism movement, defined Realism as a human conclusion which awakened the very forces of man against paganism, Greco-Roman art, the Renaissance, Catholicism, and the gods and demigods, in short against the conventional ideal†(New World Encyclopedia). 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Key Pieces of Good Topics for a Profiling Essay
Key Pieces of Good Topics for a Profiling Essay Most will wind up using a combined strategy. Responsibility The mind likes to use defence mechanisms as a means to minimise the stress it is experiencing. Processes of examining all parts of the crime scene so as to accumulate a picture of the man or woman who committed the crime are called profiling (Forensic Psychology 1). The very best suggestion which can be made is that law enforcement training should try to become more sensitive and conscious regarding using racial profiling. Such costs have to be included when weighing the pros and disadvantages of a profiling practice. In practice it's often hard to define what a sensible suspicion actually is. Possessing an excellent understanding of the way that it's done would make anybody's work very simple and quick. A Startling Fact about Good Topics for a Profiling Essay Uncovered Experiences as an adult can be rather informative. Yearly driving tests ought to be mandatory ov er a specific age. Students are occasionally advised to check out profiling samples accomplished by professionals. Also, you can attempt to speak to other students online or offline. The Benefits of Good Topics for a Profiling Essay The individual's information is essential to an investigation. Frequently the process of racial profiling seems to be completely ineffective when it has to do with exposing the criminals. When describing police brutality, a succinct definition should form the segment of the very first paragraph. No universal definition is now utilized to spell out the expression serial murder. Also, in regards to getting inspiration from pre-written topic ideas, you might prefer to use a number of the suggestions below. You can create your essay stick out from the rest by making use of the most suitable idioms at the most suitable place. You may find that several of the topics can be adapted to suit almost any sort of writing assignment. You shouldn't go for so mething that's out of the topic. A central characteristic of referencing that students have a tendency to overlook is the simple fact that they enable the reader to identify, access and apply the material themselves. After picking out a topic, they have to decide the point of view they want to use. Say you think that everybody should learn at least one-second language. Occasionally it's easiest to begin at the start and compose the introduction first. Selecting a superb title is quite essential for practically any format of writing. Imagine you had to compose an academic solution to the next question without references. To start with, let's see ways to develop an intriguing title idea by yourself. The Good Topics for a Profiling Essay Pitfall SATs ought to be eliminated. The essay is truly a college job interview during the manner of an essay. Your essay may be a very simple description of any technology or it may be argumentative or just a critique of any technological aspect. Aprofile essay is a sort of essay that centers a specific individual, place, or thing. Racism is a complex and delicate subject that demands attention and a deep insight. In the event the profile essay is all about an individual, it doesn't necessarily need to be someone well known. Make certain the story is logical. A feeling of intense cultural view point in it's going to be too wonderful. New Ideas Into Good Topics for a Profiling Essay Never Before Revealed Essay writing is no simple feat. Technology essay writing is no different to many different essays as soon as it concerns the general rules that you have to follow. Banking essays can be real fun to play with if you've got a comprehensive understanding about the discipline and have keen interest in writing, so should you believe you cannot write decent banking essays than again you're mistaken. Synthesis essays must be written with a meticulous strategy.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Media and Moral Panic free essay sample
Media is the main revenue of mass communication. The media plays a variety of roles in society; its main responsibility is that of providing information. As constant consumers and users of this information the relevance to the majority of members in the wider community inclusive of teachers and students is critical. The media positions us as the audience to take a particular viewpoint of a topic, issue or problem that is evident in our society. To what extent though does this role as information provider influence moral panic? Moral panic refers to the exaggerated social response to media coverage of a sporadic episode that consequently turns it into a widespread issue and causes colossal concern in society (Cohen, 1987). The media has a tendency to manipulate people by amplifying the facts and truths and using multiple camera techniques to surround a group/individual and outcast them in society, thus labeling them the ‘other’. We will write a custom essay sample on Media and Moral Panic or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Othering’ is closely linked to discrimination as it consists of the â€Å"objectification of another person or group†which puts aside and ignores the complexity and subjectivity of the individual/s. Teachers and students must construct their own knowledge about media coverage and understand that at times the media amplifies issues of concern by stereotyping and excluding particular members of society. A certain structure exists in society, if groups/individuals step outside of the boundaries, society categorises them as ‘others’ and excludes them from the majority. After this occurrence there are two options that exist; to either accept the exclusion or conform to societal norms and return to the inclusion. It is vital to understand the effect that bullying, discrimination and the mass media have on these groups/individuals and realise that some students in your classroom may fall under these categories. Therefore it is in our power as teachers, to inform and position students to be critically literate consumers of the media, to ensure they are able to bestow a critical perspective towards texts. Due to the fact that the media plays a massive role in students’ everyday lives in the 21st century it is vital that educators engage students in pedagogical experiences that teach them to become critically literate readers. Students could start by developing an understanding of the indicators of moral panic which are: 1. Concern – the issue is at a sensitive level and affects one’s feelings on a personal level. 2. Hostility – increased level of antagonism towards those involved in the threat or panic. 3. Consensus – a general agreement among society that a threat actually exists. . Disproportionality – the problem is exaggerated and amplified to create public concern. 5. Volatility – erupts suddenly and almost as quickly then subsides or disappears. (Goode amp; Ben-Yehuda, 1994). Developing an understanding of these indicators gives students a solid foundation to be able to critically analyse the texts they observe and hear to make an informed decision about the information they are receiving. Students must also have an understanding of the indicators of Disproportionality so they are able to critically analyse the texts they are viewing. They must be able to identify when figures are exaggerated, figures are fabricated altogether, where there are other harmful conditions in society but they are not getting mass coverage and the changes over time (Critcher, 2006). It can have a detrimental effect in students understanding if they are not presented the tools to be critical readers of texts. In conclusion, it is completely important and relevant to teachers and their students to have a critical understanding of the relationship between the media and moral panic because.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Millennials Rising Essay Example
Millennials Rising Essay I reviewed the first article â€Å"Millennials Rising†and it was very interesting because of its perspective of the millennial generation making uproar in the twenty-first century. As I am a part of this generation, their ideal of us being lazy and ungrateful was a bit inaccurate because we strive for success in all we do. For example, we have the school uniform movement undergoing across the nation. Why is this happening? We, the Millennial, want a sense of community amongst our fellow peers. We are striving for a better economy by our dedication to education, success, and fulfillment in our lives. The previous Generation- X played its part during their time, but we have taken it to a whole new level. The Millennial are interested in developing a strong-minded community where education is the key to success; this endeavor will be a long one, but I think we can do it. The article pin-pointed various reasons of why this generation will flourish during the twenty-first century:  advanced technology, higher education, and more confidence. These ingredients distinguish us from the previous Generation-X because we prefer in-depth analysis of what the future may bring. We plan ahead to earn respect and rewards for our hard work. Generation-X is enduring the same inaccurate description in the second article, â€Å"Generation X†as they are referred to as â€Å"slackers†. This generation made subtle changes as they progressed in their careers before the Millennial started impacting the world. Generation-X made their mark with their participation in individualism, but the Millennial are more focused on group-oriented accomplishments that result in bigger rewards. The older generation matriculated across the spectrum by developing the ‘self-expression’ motto, but they have grown out of their radicalism to become outstanding professionals. On the other hand, the Millennials are opening doors to advanced opportunities and diligent goals at an accelerated speed. We may have an extra drive to conquer every subject in the coming years, but we are still a young generation in tune with the world’s expansion. With more growth, the world will experience wonders as the Millennials’ contribution to the socio-economical developments in each nation. What more can we ask for? Each generation is and is making some remarkable milestones for future generations to make changes. With this, we should appreciate the distinctive characteristics presented by their contributions to each century. We will write a custom essay sample on Millennials Rising specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Millennials Rising specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Millennials Rising specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Buisness
Business Administration ‘The Human Side of Organizations’ was a very valuable course for my learning process and my future career. There were many of different aspects of business management that I learned throughout this course. In addition and more importantly there were some aspects of this course that I feel will help me in my future particular area of career interest. The first aspect of the course that I felt was interesting was managers. This section not only included what a manager did, the different types of managers but more importantly the skills one must obtain in order to become a successful manager. There are three main skills technical, human and conceptual skills. The first technical skill is the ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise. Human skills are the ability to work with understand and motivate other people both individually and in a group. The third skill that a manager must posses is conceptual skills. This is the mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations. Managers must use all three of these skills in different situations in order to be a well rounded, affective and successful manager. Another very interesting part of the course that I learned was what actually a bureaucracy was. I have had many misinterpretations of what a bureaucracy consisted of or actually what it was. I have heard the term many times and had a much different meaning than what it actually entailed. A bureaucracy is a structure with highly routine operating tasks achieved through specialization, very formalized rules and regulations, tasks that are grouped into functional departments, centralized authority, narrow spans of control and decision making that follows the chain of command. There are many strengths of a bureaucracy. The functional economies of scale, minimum duplication of personnel and equipment, enhanced communication and centralized decision making. There are also weaknesses however such as ... Free Essays on Buisness Free Essays on Buisness Business Administration ‘The Human Side of Organizations’ was a very valuable course for my learning process and my future career. There were many of different aspects of business management that I learned throughout this course. In addition and more importantly there were some aspects of this course that I feel will help me in my future particular area of career interest. The first aspect of the course that I felt was interesting was managers. This section not only included what a manager did, the different types of managers but more importantly the skills one must obtain in order to become a successful manager. There are three main skills technical, human and conceptual skills. The first technical skill is the ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise. Human skills are the ability to work with understand and motivate other people both individually and in a group. The third skill that a manager must posses is conceptual skills. This is the mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations. Managers must use all three of these skills in different situations in order to be a well rounded, affective and successful manager. Another very interesting part of the course that I learned was what actually a bureaucracy was. I have had many misinterpretations of what a bureaucracy consisted of or actually what it was. I have heard the term many times and had a much different meaning than what it actually entailed. A bureaucracy is a structure with highly routine operating tasks achieved through specialization, very formalized rules and regulations, tasks that are grouped into functional departments, centralized authority, narrow spans of control and decision making that follows the chain of command. There are many strengths of a bureaucracy. The functional economies of scale, minimum duplication of personnel and equipment, enhanced communication and centralized decision making. There are also weaknesses however such as ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Role of Super PACs in US Politics
The Role of Super PACs in US Politics A super PAC is a modern breed of a political action committee thats allowed to raise and spend unlimited amounts of money from corporations, unions, individuals, and associations to influence the outcome of state and federal elections. The rise of the super PAC was heralded as the beginning of a new era in politics in which elections would be determined by the vast sums of money flowing into them, leaving average voters with little to no influence. The term super PAC is used to describe what is technically known in federal election code as an independent expenditure-only committee. They are relatively easy to create under federal election laws. There is about 2,400 super PACs on file with the Federal Election Commission. They raised about $1.8 billion and spent $1.1 billion in the 2016 election cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Function of a Super PAC The role of a super PAC is similar to that of a traditional political action committee. A super PAC advocates for the election or defeat of candidates for federal office by purchasing television, radio and print advertisements and other media. There are conservative super PACs and liberal super PACs. Difference Between a Super PAC and Political Action Committee The most important difference between a super PAC and traditional candidate PAC is in who can contribute, and in how much they can give. Candidates and traditional candidate committees can accept $2,700 from individuals per election cycle. There are two election cycles a year: one for the primary, the other for the general election in November. That means they can take in a maximum of $5,400 a year half in the primary, and half in the general election. Candidates and traditional candidate committees are prohibited from accepting money from corporations, unions, and associations. Federal election code prohibits those entities from contributing directly to candidates or candidate committees. Super PACs, though, have no limitations on who contributes to them or how much they can spend on influencing an election. They can raise as much money from corporations, unions, and associations as they please and spend unlimited amounts on advocating for the election or defeat of the candidates of their choice. Some of the money that flows into super PACs cannot be traced. That money is often referred to as dark money. Individuals can mask their identities and the money they give by contribution first to outside groups including nonprofit 501[c] groups or social welfare organizations that go on to spend tens of millions of dollars on political ads. Restrictions on Super PACs The most important restriction prohibits any super PAC from working in conjunction with a candidate its supporting. According to the Federal Election Commission, super PACs cannot spend money â€Å"in concert or cooperation with, or at the request or suggestion of, a candidate, the candidates campaign or a political party.†History of Super PACs Super PACs came into existence in July 2010 following two key federal court decisions that found limitations on both corporate and individual contributions to be unconstitutional violations of the First Amendment right to free speech. In v. Federal Election Commission, a federal court found restrictions on individual contributions to independent organizations that seek to influence elections to be unconstitutional. And in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that limits on corporate and union spending to influence elections were also unconstitutional. â€Å"We now conclude that independent expenditures, including those made by corporations, do not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption,†Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote. Combined, the rulings allowed individuals, unions and other organizations to contribute freely to political action committees that are independent of political candidates. Super PAC Controversies Critics who believe money corrupts the political process say the court rulings and creation of super PACs opened the floodgates to widespread corruption. In 2012, U.S. Sen. John McCain warned: I guarantee there will be a scandal, there is too much money washing around politics, and it’s making the campaigns irrelevant. McCain and other critics said the rulings allowed wealthy corporations and unions to have an unfair advantage in electing candidates to federal office. In writing his dissenting opinion for the Supreme Court, Justice John Paul Stevens opined of the majority: At bottom, the Courts opinion is thus a rejection of the common sense of the American people, who have recognized a need to prevent corporations from undermining self-government since the founding, and who have fought against the distinctive corrupting potential of corporate electioneering since the days of Theodore Roosevelt. Another criticism of super PACs arises from the allowance of some nonprofit groups to contribute to them without disclosing where their money came from, a loophole that allows so-called dark money to flow directly into elections. Super PAC Examples Super PACs spend tens of millions of dollars in presidential races. Some of the most powerful include: Right to Rise, a super PAC that spent more than $86 million supporting former Florida Gov. Jeb Bushs failed bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.Conservative Solutions PAC, which spent nearly $56 million supporting U.S. Sen. Marco Rubios failed bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.Priorities USA Action, which spent more than $133 million supporting Hillarys Clintons bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016 and backed President Barack Obama in 2012. Another prominent pro-Hillary super PAC is Ready for Hillary.New Day for America, which spent more than $11 million supporting Ohio Gov. John Kasichs campaign for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Harry Potter file and music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Harry Potter file and music - Essay Example Patrick Doyle had to capture all the plots and subplots of the book, understand Newell`s attitude and contribute to the general picture with his score. Analyzing the film it is possible to say that Doyle`s sense of magic and humor along with solid experience helped him to create a perfect score for The Goblet of Fire. From the first Potter adaptation directors of the movies have changed several times, and the consistency was achieved with the help of Rowling’s meticulous work on the screenplay, talented young actors who were getting older in the same pace with characters, and most notably, impressive soundtrack created by John Williams. His works were noticeable with particular accent on the title theme which has become a cut-away of the movie. However, it became known long before the fourth part adaptation that Williams would end cooperation with Warner Brothers, and Potter`s fans were eager to know who was going to take his place. Michael Newman who directed the film in 2005 found classical-inclined Patrick Doyle whom he knew from previous common works. Newell chose Doyle for his "sense of drama, his sense of magic, and his sense of humor" (Webster 208). Doyle was prominent with his ability to create tension in a contrast with the help of orchestra. His previous collaborations with Newma n, Donnie Brasko and Into the West were marked by strong and persuasive scores. Doyle looked like an ambivalent figure as he managed to create impressive scores for two films which eventually turned out to be failures from the cinematographic perspective, Great Expectations and Quest for Camelot. In the same time he showed himself in romantic comedy genre writing entertaining and joyful scores for Bridget Jone`s Diary ad Blow Dry. These skills became useful for adorning children wizardry tale with humorous tunes. The scores created for Nanny McPhee and Nouvelle France are regarded as Doyle`s top level works as well. Thus, it is possible to conclude that Doyle was optimal
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Preliminary Reference Procedure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Preliminary Reference Procedure - Essay Example The phrase you put for query, ‘Preliminary Reference Procedure’ is, according to Bromberg and Fenger (2010) a provisional terminology of the European Union law under the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) that indicates the provision the national court or tribune to refer a question of the EU law to the ECJ for preliminary ruling so as to enable the national court to decide the case before it on receiving that ruling. From this angle, you can consider that the functioning of the preliminary reference procedures ensures the uniformity of interpretation and validity of the EU law across all the member states in the union. In an over view, (Harris & Horspool, 2010, pp. 3-5) the preliminary reference procedure is constituted as per the guidance of Article 267 TFEU that says that if a question is raised before any court or tribunal of a Member State, and if the court considers that the decision on the question is necessary to enable it to give judgement, that court may require the Court of Justice to give a ruling of the case thereon. Simply speaking, you can consider this as the tool of the state courts at times of critical decision makings on special issues with the consolidation of the ECJ. You need to further focus on the fact that the ECJ relies on its co-operation with national courts in taking decision on the appeal of national courts. In most cases related to such conditions, the CEJ leads the role in the decision making and the national courts go in submission to ECJ in the process of co-operation and therefore, are normally guided by the EU judiciary. The preliminary reference procedure guarantees the dominance of the ECJ as it gets the legal assistance of the EU laws system and therefore the cases handled by the ECJ sometimes provide controversial options of discretionary power to the national courts, particularly in situations related to arbitrations on employment and industrial relation disputes. For instance, if you take t he disputes on issues like indirect discrimination, the EC is supportive to the benefit of employers but at the same time, this issue is sent to the national court for the review of the general principle of proportionality of the case on objective grounds. Reports and statistics may be of the effect of fading the effectiveness of the upper court’s judiciary system to decide on certain identical issues of national important, which are usually pertaining to industrial disputes; however, the system of Preliminary Reference Procedure is presently the most popular channel that connects national courts with the ECJ. For further clarity, I would like you to refer Article 254TFEU; it explains to you the validity of equality of decision making between the two courts in its original phase of inception of the law. The procedure functioned in a vicious circle that channelled the move of a question from the discretionary powers of the national court; from there, the ECJ takes into conside ration, the legality of the case under the provisions of the EU law relevant to the issue and guides the national court to take the decisions accordingly. The prominence of the law-making process based on the preliminary reference procedure has been emerged as a result of the upper hand of the ECJ on the national courts whereby each decree of the ECJ becomes the decision unanimously approved and followed by other national courts in the Union (Role of National Courts inEuropean Law 8, Dec, 2006). You can thus observe that the new tendency among the national courts paved the way for the development of EU judicial system by placing the ECJ as the Apex Court. Also, this new move
Saturday, November 16, 2019
A US Perspective Essay Example for Free
A US Perspective Essay With a total import of 6926. 2 million dollars in December 2008, the US is arguably the leading player in the global textile industry (US Government, 2009). China is one of USAs leading partners in ensuring that the textile industry develops. The textile industry has in the past years been displaying positive growth except for the 2007-2008 period when the level overall imports dropped by 3685 million dollars (US Government, 2009). Developing an understanding of the dynamics that affect the textile industry is important in ensuring that this sector is sustained due to the important role it plays in ensuring that US nationals are clothed and economic development. It is apparent that if the trends are not corrected the US economy may be negatively affected. Demand in the US clothing industry is affected by a large number of factors within sits social and economic environment. Though the US records considerably low levels of birth rate, immigration greatly affects the levels of population growth rate. Due to clothing being a basic need, the textile industry is affected by the levels of population growth. Demographics though dependent on culture and even the levels of educational attainment are affected by existing legal systems and political policies that are in place. The US governments failure to deal with illegal immigration may increase the pressure that the textile industry faces in meeting high demand for clothing. Clothing and lifestyle are two factors that display high levels of correlation (Nordstrom, 2007). Trends in clothing that may be affected by the levels of economic empowerment, the prevailing economic conditions, fashions and dynamics within the society for instance short term preferences all affect demand within the clothing industry. Seasonal factors for instance weather pattern greatly affect specific clothing that is in demand. The effects of climatic patterns are an important factor that even supersedes fashion in determining demand for clothing. It is therefore apparent that the political, social, legal and even technological environment relayed through fashion affect demand for clothing in the US. The textile industry is labor intensive and success is dependent on not only ability to organize internal inputs but also availability of required resources (Plunkett, 2008). The cost of labor in nations like China is lower than in US which is one of the key reasons as to why the US imports clothing (Rofel, 2007). Another reason for importing clothing is availability or raw material especially natural fabrics; cotton, wool and silk are readily available in nations like Turkey than in the US though it produces some of these materials (Rofel, 2007). Due to the drop that has been experienced in textile imports, it is logical to expect an increase in internal production especially in non synthetic fabric. Moreover, designing as a segment in the clothing industry will continue growing due to the role played by fashion in determining the nature of demand in the clothing industry. Natural fabric and low cost clothing segments however will still continue relying on imports due to low availability of raw materials in the US and the need to create a cost advantage that is critical to ensuring affordable clothing. A look at data derived from the textile industry clearly shows that nearly 70% of the nations that export textile to the US are Asian (US Government, 2009). This can be explained by the low cost of labor in such nations and the close bilateral relationship between Asian nations and the US (Taylor, 2008). Another important trend is the general increase in textile imports; this can be explained by population growth experienced in the US. On the contrary, recent poor performance can be blamed on the negative trends that were displayed by the US economy in late 2007 and early 2008 that may have reduced investor confidence (Taylor, 2008). The US is clearly dependent on other nations for its clothing and textile needs which may negatively affect its internal potential to develop its textile industry. However, high level segments like designing have come up as beneficiaries in the considerably long textile industry chain. It is evident that by importing textile more entities or industries gain than if the US heavily relied on its internal ability. This universal gain is important in ensuring sustainable economic development. References Nordstrom, C. (2007). Global outlaws: crime, money, and power in the contemporary world. Santa Barbara, CA: University of California Press. Plunkett, J. W. (2008). Plunketts Apparel Textiles Industry Almanac 2008: Apparel Textiles Industry Market Research, Statistics, Trends Leading Companies. Houston, TX: Plunkett Research, Ltd. Rofel, L. (2007). Desiring China: experiments in neoliberalism, sexuality, and public culture. New York, NY: Duke University Press. Taylor, M. (2008). Global economy contested: power and conflict across the international division of labor London: Taylor Francis. US Government (2009). U. S. Imports of Textiles, Textile Products and Apparel, Top Trading Partners Top Countries based on current month. Retrieved 30 June 2009 from http://www. census. gov/foreign-trade/statistics/country/sreport/country. txt
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Vouchers and School Choice - First Step Towards a Discriminatory Educa
School Vouchers:Â The First Step Towards a Discriminatory Educational System On November 9, 1998, Jennifer Marshall, Education Policy Analyst for the Family Research Council, declared in a press statement: "Parental choice in education just got a green light from the Supreme Court." Her statement came as a response to the decision made the same day by the Supreme Court to deny a petition for a writ of certiorari in Jackson v. Benton, a case in Wisconsin which challenges the constitutionality of vouchers in public education. By refusing to take this case, the Supreme Court lets a decision made in the state supreme court stand, in which the court upheld the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program as constitutional. The United States Supreme Court voted almost unanimously to deny cert, indicating either that they agree with the Wisconsin court's decision or that the case is not worthy of their time or consideration, or both. (Neither the lone dissenter, Justice Stephen Breyer, nor the 8-justice majority released any explanations of their actions.) Legally, their choic e not to hear the case sends a passive but clear message: vouchers in public schools are valid under the Constitution of the United States. However, questions remain surrounding the particulars of the Wisconsin program, as well as the larger questions over the concept of vouchers in general. One that is raised is: Can the government in good faith sanction the removal of children from the public schools, at its own expense and at the expense of the children who remain in those public schools? The Court has been strangely inconsistent in its treatment of voucher cases. In 1973, The Court found that vouchers for religious schools violated the establishment clause, but ... ...The reasons given for extant voucher programs are admirable; what decent-minded society could object to giving disadvantaged students a greater chance? The fundamental problem with voucher programs is that they only treat the symptom, and in the process create a whole new community of disadvantaged children. By refusing to review Jackson v. Benton, the Supreme Court is simply ignoring a question the justices will soon be forced to answer: do voucher programs violate the Constitution on grounds other than the separation of church and state? It is a question they will have to consider thoroughly for its ideological, sociological, and political implications. A vote in favor of voucher programs will give the go-ahead to a construction that could lead to nothing more than an educational model of residential urban sprawl, separating the desirables from the undesirables.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Independence day
Good Morning Philippines, Respected teachers and my dear friends. I wish you a happy independence Day. INDEPENDENCE DAY means a day when we had got freedom from not only brute rulers but freedom from what from fulfillment of right needs†¦ Today on June 12,2014 Philippines is celebrating Its 16th Independence day and we are proud to say that we earned our freedom 116 year back, which was by an act passed by the American parliament and we were the first to get ourIndependence through the act which Is a mark of respect. Independence Day Is the day to commemorate all the works of certain people or Individuals who contributed much for the liberty of their country. More that celebrating the freedom of the country from slavery, dictatorship and tyrant rule, It Is also the day to acknowledge all the sufferings and hardships of these people we called heroes. We recognize their bravery and thank them for all the things they contributed for the freedom of their entry and countrymen.But let me remind you all that willing Independent was the end of our struggle, it was Just the beginning of our greatest challenge and that was to make us prosperous. As a Filipino citizen , we are proud of its golden past. We had one of the oldest and richest civilization of the world. Today we not only need to be proud of our glorious past but also work to make our present and future better than our past . We need to make our self so capable that we can praise its present ND this can be only done, when we work hard for it.And we can only work hard, if we have a feeling of patriotism & nationalism in our heart. Patriotism is a very deep and meaningful word, and its meaning changes according to the demand of time. During pre Independence time, Patriotism meant to get out of our houses and fight against foreign rule, whereas today a true patriot is that person who gives best of his services in the development, progress and fulfillment of his nation as the best human resource. Independence Day If we are to ask American citizens, â€Å"What is the most terrible crime of all? †would we be surprised if most of them immediately relate to the 9/11 tragedy and choose terrorism as the answer? Of course not. A different answer, however, might be given to us if we asked them several years ago, before the disaster happened. It is human nature, to underestimate the proportion of an issue, until they have experienced it, first hand. But the Americans have now experienced the bitterness of terrorism, they have lost husbands, wives, parents and siblings during the shocking tragedy, and certainly they have taken lessons from it as well.For decades, United States has been the most powerful nation on the surface of the earth. Is it logical to figure that an attack on this country was made without months, or even years of preparation? The attackers must have reliable information about the country’s defense before they start planning, where have they retrieved them? Should not these kinds of information be classified? These are necessary questions, and they will lead us to anticipate the next threat of terrorist actions. Information leaks about sensitive defense system are certainly important factors that made the 9/11 attack possible.Other leaks of information might cause another threats to America in the future. Here is where American Counterintelligence takes a vital role. American Counterintelligence has found that leaks of information have often happened in the United States governmental and intelligence environments. It turned out; the history of Americans sold out their country goes back a very long way. II. Is Espionage Treason? In its nature to jeopardize the life of hundreds or even thousands citizens, espionage should be consider an act of treason.But different of opinions still exist regarding actions that is classified as treason. Is espionage valued as low as defecting or a conspiracy against one’s country? A little trip in history w ill give us the solution. The crime treason has first found itself inside a constitutional foundation in 1350. It was a part of the Statute of Edward. Among the seven categories found in the statute of Edward, the words â€Å"adhering to enemies†and giving them â€Å"aid and comfort†has been classified as an act of treason. These words had also appeared in the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, on the year 1787.In its formulated Article III, section 3, the Constitutional Convention mentioned that treason consists of levying a war against the country, adhering to their enemies, and giving to them aid and comfort. After the Second World War, A review of eight convictions of treason has made the Supreme Court established four elements of treason, and providing â€Å"aid and comfort†to the enemy is still one of them (â€Å"Why Not Call It Treason? †) So it is obvious that espionage has and still considered as treason by US constitution, ancient and modern. Therefore, for the sake of many, sentences for espionage should not be made light.III. America’s First Counterintelligence Chief It was John Jay who’s first coordinated a national level of counterintelligence efforts. His job was leading a legislative committee to investigate a plot to sabotage defense and infrastructure targets in New York. In his investigations, Jay employ at least 10 agents, a few of the famous ones are Nathaniel Sackett, Elijah Hunter and Enoch Crosby. All of his agents were operating under enormous pressure. Some were undercover; being unmasked meant death to all of them (Rose P. K. ,1999). Enoch Crosby, is the best secret agent that John Jay have.He uses various names and identity to retrieve information about the pro-British’s activities. After he get â€Å"to famous†for his work in one place, he was assign to another area, joining another pro-British Colony (Rose, 1999). IV. Cases of Modern Espionage Although cases of tr eason by espionage are abundant since the Independence Day, we will elaborate new ones, in order to recognize an up to date espionage practices. Aldrich Ames’s treason was one of the most popular counterintelligence cases. How could it not be? Ames was the director of CIA Counterintelligence at the time.He was recruited by the Russian and has been supplying staggering amount of information for 10 years. A great number of US agents working undercover in Russia were arrested and killed because of Ames. Ames’s capture in 1994 didn’t come easy, especially after James J, Angleton (his predecessor) was falsely accused by his rivals as a Russian spy also (Hermon). Soon after Ames started to work for the Russian in 1983, suspicion about a spy in American Counterintelligence emerged. But in 1985, when John Pollard, a Jewish agent was arrested with spying for Israel, Aldrich Ames took the opportunity and put the blame to Pollard.In 1987, Pollard was sentenced to life in p rison in 1987. His other successful attempt to turn away the spotlight was by sacrificing another â€Å"more expendable†Russian Spy in the CIA. His name is Edward Lee Howard. But by the help of Ames, Howard managed to flee to Moscow which granted him Political Asylum. Finally, by the testimony of Raffi Eitan, Director of the Office of Scientific Liaison that activated Pollard, Aldrich Ames was uncovered as one of the highest ranking Russian Spy in US Intelligence Agency (Carmel, 1994). But this is already 8 years longer than it supposed to be.Robert Philip Hanssen, age 56, was a veteran counterintelligence agent who was captured selling highly classified national security information to Russia and the former Soviet Union. He was with his colleague â€Å"defending the country†while secretly stabbed them from the back also. He sold up to 6. 000 pages of valuable documentary material in over than 20 separate occasions. In one occasion, FBI agents found that he trade the information with diamonds and more than $ 600. 000 US. Along with the sold documents, Hanssen had compromised FBI counterintelligence investigative techniques, methods and operations.Hanssen has been charged with espionage and conspiracy to commit espionage which are violations with a possible sentence of life in prison or the death penalty (US Department of Justice, 2001). Katrina Leung, a businesswoman and a fundraiser for the Republicans, has successfully compromised 20 years of intelligence work on the People’s Republic of China. Katrina poses as an informant, paid by the Bureau to give information about Chinese Intelligence Operations in America. But at the same time, she was also seducing two senior FBI agents for information.That information regarding the American intelligence was then delivered to Beijing, ruin two decades of counterintelligence work (Marshall, 2003). V. Mistakes and Suggestions One of the factors making it hard for the FBI agents to perform their du ty is the organization’s structure. The bureau is apparently assigned on 2 similar missions which required the opposite skills and quality. The first mission is law enforcement and the second is Intelligence work. Although the two missions are similar, but sharing information, which is a necessity in law enforcement activities, would be disastrous for intelligence work.The double mission structure is making the work complicated and even impossible for FBI agents. Furthermore, the effort to change the structure is made difficult by the decision â€Å"not to change†of the newly arise Republicans (Marshall, 2003) The culture of working alone or in a small team has not make situations any easier. Once an agent is recruited, he/she is referred to as â€Å"special agents†and considered a part of a certain powerful group. This group is unlikely to have suspicion against its fellow agents unless there is no one else to be suspected. This is an obvious mistake.An intel ligence agency is an organization working on the basis of suspicion. None should be consider above suspicion, even ones with seniority. The cases of Aldrich Ames and Robert Philip Hanssen should teach the FBI a very important lesson. In the world of intelligence, it is rather difficult to keep guard on every single possibility of breach. One intelligence agency will always do their best to penetrate all the others. If we are an American agent, working undercover in Russia for instance, we will always worry about a mole in American Agency, exposing our identity to the Russians, and vice versa.So how will we ensure the safety of our agents? , or how would we make easy to discover a mole inside our agency? One way to do it is, by what is called â€Å"compartementation†â€Å"Compartementation†is a design or organization, where individuals are sealed apart from others as humanly possible and information is shared only on a need to know basis. Although the design will make information sharing a little difficult, without it, a mole in the crowd could operate long enough to cause immense destruction before getting caught.A very good example of this is the Aldrich Ames case that we have elaborated before (Marshall, 2003). VI. Conclusion Since the Independence Day, intelligence has always been a mandatory but dangerous work. But due to its role keeping sensitive and classified information regarding a nation’s system of defense, being a dangerous job, is not all that surprising. As an attack on a country has always started with their leak of information, counterintelligence is nothing to be taken lightly. Severe punishment over traitors must also be made to set an example for others, in order not to have it repeated.Experience has shown us that the US counterintelligence activities have not been maximized. Possible reformation to increase the efficiency of the organization hasn’t been conducted yet. Meanwhile, double agents have reached as f ar as the highest level of American Counterintelligence Organization, and have been compromising national security for years before being captured. It is imperative for the organizations to really work on the basis of suspicion, to increase compartementation for a more trustworthy system of investigation.Hopefully, tragedy of counterintelligence such as Ames’s and Hanssen’s would never again be repeated for the sake of the country. Bibliography Carmel, Chezi. 1994. â€Å"The Conspiracy Against Pollard†. Maariv Weekend Supplement (on-line). Available from http://www. jonathanpollard. org/1994/031894. htm Accessed March 29 2005 Freeh, Louis J. 2001. US Department of Justice (on-line). Available from http://www. fbi. gov/pressrel/pressrel01/hanssen. htm Accessed March 29 2005 Hermon, Haim. â€Å"Free Jonathan Pollard†. Available from http://hhermon. Accessed March 29 2005 Marshall, Joshua Micah. 2003. â€Å"Counterintelligent†. Wa shington Monthly (on-line). Available from http://www. washingtonmonthly. com/features/2003/0307. marshall. html Accessed March 29 2005 Rose, P. K. 1999. â€Å"The Founding Fathers of American Intelligence†. Central Intelligence Agency. (on-line) Available from http://www. odci. gov/csi/books/940299/art-1. html . Accessed March 29 2005 â€Å"Why Not Call It Treason? ; from Korea to Afghanistan†. Available from http://www. henrymarkholzer. com/articles_why_not_treason. shtml Accessed March 29 2005
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Billing System Essay
Overview of the Current State of Technology â€Å"Information is a source of learning. But unless it is organized, processed and available to the right people in a format for decision making, it is a burden not a benefit†. – William Pollard Enrolment serves as a vital part in the life of every student upon entering schools, either public or private. It gives students the impression on how the whole institute manages and manipulates the entire body. Moreover, enrolment serves as the first experience of all students by which he/she takes part in the school’s activities. The billing system is one of the major parts of an enrolment system. A billing system is a system designed to handle time and billing tracking as well as invoicing customers for services and products. It is very essential to the enrolment process because it involves the registration of students, computation of school fees and safe keeping of records. Implementing an automated billing system will increase the productivity of employees while decreasing the labor cost because the school won’t need many employees to handle the enrolment process. It can also boost the popularity of the school because of having such technology. Most importantly, an automated billing system reduces the risks of miscomputation, recording errors and loss of records. In line with this, the proponents are proposing the development of a prototype automated billing system for Dear Jesus Montessori School to assess whether automated grading was feasible, economically viable and as accurate as the manually computing system which they are currently using. 1. 2 Background of the Study Dear Jesus Montessori School, Inc. is a private school founded by Engr. Jesus V. Garcia. It is located at 888 Old National Highway, Sto. Cristo, Pulilan, Bulacan. It offers Casa (pre-elementary), elementary and high school classes. It is a non-stock, non-profit educational institution, committed to form a Christ-centered community of disciples, serving God and his people through academic excellence, moral righteousness, dynamic leadership and social participation. DJMS envisions young men and women deeply rooted in the DJMS tradition of â€Å"All for the Glory of God†which enabling them to dedicate their time, talent and resources for the good of man and nation in the montessori method of learning. It was in the year 2002 when Dear Jesus Montessori School was founded by Engr. Garcia, a developer and businessman from Baliuag, Bulacan. In spite of being a busy man, he takes time in learning God’s word. He himself is a preacher. He has been invited in different places to conduct bible study where he generously shares his wisdom about the true God. One night, he had a dream about God. In his dream, God talked to him and asked him to build a school. In an instance, he found himself working for what the Lord has wanted. Successfully, he has finished with his work and with God’s grace; the school has been operating for ten years now. DJMS is still using a manual system for their enrolment process. From the admission of students to the payment of bills were done manually. This makes the transaction prone to errors and vulnerable to security breaches. Implementing a computer-based enrolment system will help solve or at least lessen the problems encountered during enrolment. The system will be able to make transactions easier and more accurate. It can also produce various reports that will help the administration in managing the school, thus, making DJMS one of the top schools with regards to enrolment system which can even result to increase in student enrollees. 1. 3 Statement of the Research Problem
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Prey essays
Prey essays I found Prey to be a very enjoyable book. It presents situations that could, in fact be realistic in the future, as this tends to be a common theme in Michael Crichtons writings. The book also puts forward interesting concepts in Nanotechnology that mankind is not too far from achieving. Michael Crichtons writing in Prey is ingenious because one conflict cleverly leads to another, each new conflict growing as the old one gradually fades. He utilizes the first person point of view to get the reader so immersed in the main character that he or she feels his emotions. Michael Crichtons brilliant writing creates an excellent book that will keep any reader captivated for hours on end. Prey has brought a new awareness to me of how quickly nanotechnology is developing and what a promising technology it is. Because of Michael Crichtons extensive knowledge in the field of science and his brilliant writing abilities, he is able to create a research-backed fiction book that is still enjoyable. In the bibliography, Michael Crichton states, This novel is entirely fictitious, but the underlying research programs are real. He then lists about 30 sources. This incorporation of nanotechnology into an interesting book really sparked an interest in me. I have done some research and seen that this amazing technology does have a quite promising future. The characters in prey are very well developed throughout the book. Because the book is in a first-person point of view, all of the characters are characterized by the main character, Jack. If Jack dislikes a particular person, the reader has a tendency to dislike that person as well. The characters are also very realistic, each having reasonable conflicts and a personality that remains fairly constant throughout the book. The story is largely affected by the characters in it. Often, a very large conflict in the book is an internal conflict experienced ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Biography of Calamity Jane, Wild West Figure
Biography of Calamity Jane, Wild West Figure Calamity Jane (born Martha Jane Cannary; 1852–August 1, 1903) was a controversial figure in the Wild West whose adventures and exploits are shrouded in mystery, legend, and self-promotion. She is known to have dressed and worked as a man, to have been a hard drinker, and to been skilled with guns and horses. The details of her life are mostly unproven, given the amount of fabrication and hearsay that inform her story. Fast Facts: Calamity Jane Known For: Hard living and drinking; legendary skill with horses and gunsAlso Known As: Martha Jane Cannary BurkeBorn: 1852 in Princeton, MissouriParents: Charlotte and Robert Cannary or CanaryDied: August 1, 1903 in Terry, South DakotaPublished Works: Life and Adventures of Calamity Jane by HerselfSpouse(s): Undocumented spouses, Clinton Burke, Wild Bill Hickok; documented spouse, William P. SteersChildren: Possibly two daughtersNotable Quote: By the time we reached Virginia City I was considered a remarkable good shot and a fearless rider for a girl of my age. Early Life Calamity Jane was born Martha Jane Cannary around 1852 in Princeton, Missouri- although she sometimes claimed Illinois or Wyoming as her birthplace. She was the oldest of five siblings. Her father Robert Cannary (or Canary) was a farmer who took the family to Montana during an 1865 Gold Rush. Jane relayed the story of their journey in her later biography with considerable relish, describing how she hunted with the men and learned to drive the wagons herself. Her mother Charlotte died the year after their move and the family then moved to Salt Lake City. Her father died the following year. Wyoming After the death of her parents, young Jane moved to Wyoming and began her independent adventures, moving around mining towns and railroad camps and the occasional military fort. Far from the ideal of the delicate Victorian woman, Jane often wore mens clothes. She eked out a living doing menial jobs, some of which were jobs usually reserved for men. She is known to have worked on the railroad and as a mule skinner. She worked as a laundress and waitress and may have also worked occasionally as a sex worker. Some legends say that she disguised herself as a man to accompany soldiers as a scout on expeditions, including the 1875 expedition of General George Crook against the Lakota. She developed a reputation for hanging out with the miners, railroad workers, and soldiers- enjoying heavy drinking with them. She was arrested, with some frequency, for drunkenness and disturbing the peace. Deadwood Dakota Jane spent many years of her life in the boomtown of Deadwood, Dakota, including during the Black Hills gold rush of 1876. She claims to have known James Hickok, known as Wild Bill Hickok, and she is thought to have traveled with him for several years. After his August 1876 murder, she further claimed that they had been married and that he was the father of her child. (If said child had actually existed, he or she was said to have been born September 25, 1873, and given up for adoption at a South Dakota Catholic school.) Historians do not accept that either the marriage or the child existed. A diary supposedly by Jane that documented the marriage and child has been demonstrated to be fraudulent. In 1877 and 1878, Edward L. Wheeler featured Calamity Jane in his popular Western dime novels, adding to her reputation. She became something of a local legend at this time because of her many eccentricities. Calamity Jane gained admiration when she nursed victims of a smallpox epidemic in 1878, also dressed as a man. Possible Marriage In her autobiography, Calamity Jane said that she had married Clinton Burke in 1885 and that they lived together for at least six years. Again, the marriage is not documented and historians doubt its existence. She used the name Burke in later years. A woman later claimed to have been a daughter of that marriage but may have been Janes by some other man or Burkes by another woman. When and why Clinton Burke left Janes life is not known. Later Years and Fame In her later years, Calamity Jane appeared in Wild West shows, including the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show, around the country, featuring her riding and shooting skills. Some historians dispute whether she was indeed in this show. In 1887, Mrs. William Loring wrote a novel named Calamity Jane. The stories in this and other fiction about Jane were often conflated with her actual life experiences, magnifying her legend. Jane published her autobiography in 1896, Life and Adventures of Calamity Jane by Herself, to cash in on her own fame, and much of it is quite clearly fictional or exaggerated. In 1899, she lived in Deadwood again, supposedly raising money for her daughters education. She appeared at the Buffalo, New York, Pan-American Exposition in 1901, in exhibitions and shows. Death Janes chronic drunkenness and fighting caused her to be fired in 1901 from the Exposition and she retired to Deadwood. She died in a hotel in nearby Terry in 1903. Different sources give different causes of death: pneumonia, inflammation of the bowels, or alcoholism. Calamity Jane was buried next to Wild Bill Hickok in Deadwoods Mount Mariah Cemetery. Because of her notoriety, her funeral was large. Legacy The legend of Calamity Jane, markswoman, horsewoman, drinker, and performer, continues in movies, books, and television Westerns. How did Jane get the moniker Calamity Jane? Many answers have been offered by historians and storytellers. Calamity, some say, is what Jane would threaten to any man who bothered her. She also claimed the name was given to her because she was good to have around in a calamity, such as the smallpox epidemic of 1878. Maybe the name was a description of a very hard and tough life. Like much in her life, its simply not certain. Sources Calamity Jane. Life and Adventures of Calamity Jane by Herself. Ye Galleon Press, 1979.â€Å"Calamity Jane: Exposed.† True West Magazine, 21 Aug. 2015.â€Å"Encyclopedia of the Great Plains.† Encyclopedia of the Great Plains | CALAMITY JANE (1856-1903).
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Does globalisation aggrevate or reduce inequalities between nations Essay
Does globalisation aggrevate or reduce inequalities between nations - Essay Example This is undeniably most relevant in the current state of the world where any economic change cannot be unaccomapined by cultural and social changes in the society. Infact it would not be wrong to say that this has been the trend over the last century where subordinate or colonised society's cultures are infilterated by the dominant economic power. The Australian society stands out as one such example. In the colonisation era, the affect of european culture was consistently observed in autralia up until 1948, and this has now been replaced by a distinctive American influence (which can be attributed to the strong American Economy). However contemporary globalisation is increasingly being associated with trends of inequality and wage distribution diffrences both on an intra nation and on a wider internation scale. These structural political-economic changes are generating greater social-spatial inequalities. As Rober Wade has states; ''Global inequality is worsening rapidly.... Technological change and financial liberalization result in a disproportionately fast increase in the number of households at the extreme rich end, without shrinking the distribution at the poor end.... From 1988 to 1993, the share of the world income going to the poorest 10 percent of the world's population fell by over a quarter, whereas the share of the richest 10 percent rose by 8 percent. The richest 10 percent pulled away from the median, while the poorest 10 percent fell away from the median, falling absolutely and by a large amount.'' - Robert Wade, The London School of Economics, The Economist, 2001 Such analysis of the situation supports the existing hypothesis that globalisation is inextricably linked with inequality. A look at the percapita income bteween countries reveals that an increasing trend of unequality in recent decades. The reports of World bank confirm this trend. For instance, in 1960 the average per-capita GDP in the richest 20 countries in the world was 15 times that of the poorest 20. In 2003 this gap had become 30 times (World Bank 2003). However the question that is inadvertantly would need to be raised is whether this econmic trend reflects greater openness to trade when it has been predicted that openness fosters higher not lower incomes. A historical Perspective The increasing inequality, without doubt is one of the most challenging aspects of the current wave of globalization. None the less it it important to understand the significance of this aspect, in the context of a historical persepective of globalisation. Past several decades or infact phases of globalization have coincided with increasing inequality within countries but an inequlaity between nations was never observed. The world bank has esatblished three phases of glabalisation; the pre world war I, the post world war I and the present phase.The first two phases saw much disparity on an intra nation level but the third world did not catch up with the first world or even with the then existing second world. However increasing technology and communications which are vital part of the 3rd or presnt phase of globalisation has seen what may best be termed as a global and internation effect of trends of liberalisation. If they are far reaching, we do not know, but the nature of this exi siting association shall be discussed further on. The association between globalisation and inequality There are two
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