Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Notes on Art History - 2917 Words
Note: This statue of an Ancient Egyptian woman clearly shows the way of dressing in Ancient Egypt. This statue belongs to the New Kingdome period. Body: The woman is wearing a kalasiris, a typical ancient Egyptian dress. The length of the dress tells us that this woman probably belonged to the upper class, as working woman mostly wore a kalasiris in a shorter variant. The dress is made of linen, which was perfect for Egypt’s hot climate. The dress is undecorated, but does have a lot of pleats going in various directions, which must have been very labour intensive. Head: The woman is wearing a wig, made of human hair or date palm fibres. The hair is curled and was kept together by wax. The wigs were only worn by wealthy people.†¦show more content†¦In that era, all men wore the same type of cloth, but the fabric and way it was worn, marked important social differences. Agustus, being an emperor is therefore a clear example of how people of higher social status would wear their clothes. Body: Augustus is wearing a tunica, an essential garment in the warderobe of the ancient Roman man. It consists of two pieces of rectangular fabric, one set on top of the other. It was sewn together at the sides and the top wit holes left for the head and arms. This tunica has long and wide sleeves. On top of the tunica, Augustus wears a toga. A long cloak which is draped around the body. Head: Augustus has short cut hair and his toga is draped around his head to form a hood. Court of Emperor Justinian with Macimian and court officialsand Praetorian Guards, Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy, 547 AC, Mosaik Note: A clear example of clothing from the Byzantium era. Body: Justinian, in the centre, is wearing an imperial chlamys with a large lozenge shaped goldon panel (tablion) and an opulent brooch. Underneath that he wears a white silk tunic with tight sleeves (Divistion), which is decorated with god stripes and circular roundles and gold embroidered rd shoes. The Dignitaries wear a white chlamys with a purple tablion an an embroidered tunic. The archbishop Maximianus wears a goldon chasuble and a white dalmatic with very wideShow MoreRelatedThe Realism Movement Of France1606 Words  | 7 Pagesthe Realism movement, defined Realism as a human conclusion which awakened the very forces of man against paganism, Greco-Roman art, the Renaissance, Catholicism, and the gods and demigods, in short against the conventional ideal†(New World Encyclopedia). 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