Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Notes on Art History - 2917 Words
Note: This statue of an Ancient Egyptian woman clearly shows the way of dressing in Ancient Egypt. This statue belongs to the New Kingdome period. Body: The woman is wearing a kalasiris, a typical ancient Egyptian dress. The length of the dress tells us that this woman probably belonged to the upper class, as working woman mostly wore a kalasiris in a shorter variant. The dress is made of linen, which was perfect for Egypt’s hot climate. The dress is undecorated, but does have a lot of pleats going in various directions, which must have been very labour intensive. Head: The woman is wearing a wig, made of human hair or date palm fibres. The hair is curled and was kept together by wax. The wigs were only worn by wealthy people.†¦show more content†¦In that era, all men wore the same type of cloth, but the fabric and way it was worn, marked important social differences. Agustus, being an emperor is therefore a clear example of how people of higher social status would wear their clothes. Body: Augustus is wearing a tunica, an essential garment in the warderobe of the ancient Roman man. It consists of two pieces of rectangular fabric, one set on top of the other. It was sewn together at the sides and the top wit holes left for the head and arms. This tunica has long and wide sleeves. On top of the tunica, Augustus wears a toga. A long cloak which is draped around the body. Head: Augustus has short cut hair and his toga is draped around his head to form a hood. Court of Emperor Justinian with Macimian and court officialsand Praetorian Guards, Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy, 547 AC, Mosaik Note: A clear example of clothing from the Byzantium era. Body: Justinian, in the centre, is wearing an imperial chlamys with a large lozenge shaped goldon panel (tablion) and an opulent brooch. Underneath that he wears a white silk tunic with tight sleeves (Divistion), which is decorated with god stripes and circular roundles and gold embroidered rd shoes. The Dignitaries wear a white chlamys with a purple tablion an an embroidered tunic. The archbishop Maximianus wears a goldon chasuble and a white dalmatic with very wideShow MoreRelatedThe Realism Movement Of France1606 Words  | 7 Pagesthe Realism movement, defined Realism as a human conclusion which awakened the very forces of man against paganism, Greco-Roman art, the Renaissance, Catholicism, and the gods and demigods, in short against the conventional ideal†(New World Encyclopedia). 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Key Pieces of Good Topics for a Profiling Essay
Key Pieces of Good Topics for a Profiling Essay Most will wind up using a combined strategy. Responsibility The mind likes to use defence mechanisms as a means to minimise the stress it is experiencing. Processes of examining all parts of the crime scene so as to accumulate a picture of the man or woman who committed the crime are called profiling (Forensic Psychology 1). The very best suggestion which can be made is that law enforcement training should try to become more sensitive and conscious regarding using racial profiling. Such costs have to be included when weighing the pros and disadvantages of a profiling practice. In practice it's often hard to define what a sensible suspicion actually is. Possessing an excellent understanding of the way that it's done would make anybody's work very simple and quick. A Startling Fact about Good Topics for a Profiling Essay Uncovered Experiences as an adult can be rather informative. Yearly driving tests ought to be mandatory ov er a specific age. Students are occasionally advised to check out profiling samples accomplished by professionals. Also, you can attempt to speak to other students online or offline. The Benefits of Good Topics for a Profiling Essay The individual's information is essential to an investigation. Frequently the process of racial profiling seems to be completely ineffective when it has to do with exposing the criminals. When describing police brutality, a succinct definition should form the segment of the very first paragraph. No universal definition is now utilized to spell out the expression serial murder. Also, in regards to getting inspiration from pre-written topic ideas, you might prefer to use a number of the suggestions below. You can create your essay stick out from the rest by making use of the most suitable idioms at the most suitable place. You may find that several of the topics can be adapted to suit almost any sort of writing assignment. You shouldn't go for so mething that's out of the topic. A central characteristic of referencing that students have a tendency to overlook is the simple fact that they enable the reader to identify, access and apply the material themselves. After picking out a topic, they have to decide the point of view they want to use. Say you think that everybody should learn at least one-second language. Occasionally it's easiest to begin at the start and compose the introduction first. Selecting a superb title is quite essential for practically any format of writing. Imagine you had to compose an academic solution to the next question without references. To start with, let's see ways to develop an intriguing title idea by yourself. The Good Topics for a Profiling Essay Pitfall SATs ought to be eliminated. The essay is truly a college job interview during the manner of an essay. Your essay may be a very simple description of any technology or it may be argumentative or just a critique of any technological aspect. Aprofile essay is a sort of essay that centers a specific individual, place, or thing. Racism is a complex and delicate subject that demands attention and a deep insight. In the event the profile essay is all about an individual, it doesn't necessarily need to be someone well known. Make certain the story is logical. A feeling of intense cultural view point in it's going to be too wonderful. New Ideas Into Good Topics for a Profiling Essay Never Before Revealed Essay writing is no simple feat. Technology essay writing is no different to many different essays as soon as it concerns the general rules that you have to follow. Banking essays can be real fun to play with if you've got a comprehensive understanding about the discipline and have keen interest in writing, so should you believe you cannot write decent banking essays than again you're mistaken. Synthesis essays must be written with a meticulous strategy.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Media and Moral Panic free essay sample
Media is the main revenue of mass communication. The media plays a variety of roles in society; its main responsibility is that of providing information. As constant consumers and users of this information the relevance to the majority of members in the wider community inclusive of teachers and students is critical. The media positions us as the audience to take a particular viewpoint of a topic, issue or problem that is evident in our society. To what extent though does this role as information provider influence moral panic? Moral panic refers to the exaggerated social response to media coverage of a sporadic episode that consequently turns it into a widespread issue and causes colossal concern in society (Cohen, 1987). The media has a tendency to manipulate people by amplifying the facts and truths and using multiple camera techniques to surround a group/individual and outcast them in society, thus labeling them the ‘other’. We will write a custom essay sample on Media and Moral Panic or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Othering’ is closely linked to discrimination as it consists of the â€Å"objectification of another person or group†which puts aside and ignores the complexity and subjectivity of the individual/s. Teachers and students must construct their own knowledge about media coverage and understand that at times the media amplifies issues of concern by stereotyping and excluding particular members of society. A certain structure exists in society, if groups/individuals step outside of the boundaries, society categorises them as ‘others’ and excludes them from the majority. After this occurrence there are two options that exist; to either accept the exclusion or conform to societal norms and return to the inclusion. It is vital to understand the effect that bullying, discrimination and the mass media have on these groups/individuals and realise that some students in your classroom may fall under these categories. Therefore it is in our power as teachers, to inform and position students to be critically literate consumers of the media, to ensure they are able to bestow a critical perspective towards texts. Due to the fact that the media plays a massive role in students’ everyday lives in the 21st century it is vital that educators engage students in pedagogical experiences that teach them to become critically literate readers. Students could start by developing an understanding of the indicators of moral panic which are: 1. Concern – the issue is at a sensitive level and affects one’s feelings on a personal level. 2. Hostility – increased level of antagonism towards those involved in the threat or panic. 3. Consensus – a general agreement among society that a threat actually exists. . Disproportionality – the problem is exaggerated and amplified to create public concern. 5. Volatility – erupts suddenly and almost as quickly then subsides or disappears. (Goode amp; Ben-Yehuda, 1994). Developing an understanding of these indicators gives students a solid foundation to be able to critically analyse the texts they observe and hear to make an informed decision about the information they are receiving. Students must also have an understanding of the indicators of Disproportionality so they are able to critically analyse the texts they are viewing. They must be able to identify when figures are exaggerated, figures are fabricated altogether, where there are other harmful conditions in society but they are not getting mass coverage and the changes over time (Critcher, 2006). It can have a detrimental effect in students understanding if they are not presented the tools to be critical readers of texts. In conclusion, it is completely important and relevant to teachers and their students to have a critical understanding of the relationship between the media and moral panic because.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Millennials Rising Essay Example
Millennials Rising Essay I reviewed the first article â€Å"Millennials Rising†and it was very interesting because of its perspective of the millennial generation making uproar in the twenty-first century. As I am a part of this generation, their ideal of us being lazy and ungrateful was a bit inaccurate because we strive for success in all we do. For example, we have the school uniform movement undergoing across the nation. Why is this happening? We, the Millennial, want a sense of community amongst our fellow peers. We are striving for a better economy by our dedication to education, success, and fulfillment in our lives. The previous Generation- X played its part during their time, but we have taken it to a whole new level. The Millennial are interested in developing a strong-minded community where education is the key to success; this endeavor will be a long one, but I think we can do it. The article pin-pointed various reasons of why this generation will flourish during the twenty-first century:  advanced technology, higher education, and more confidence. These ingredients distinguish us from the previous Generation-X because we prefer in-depth analysis of what the future may bring. We plan ahead to earn respect and rewards for our hard work. Generation-X is enduring the same inaccurate description in the second article, â€Å"Generation X†as they are referred to as â€Å"slackers†. This generation made subtle changes as they progressed in their careers before the Millennial started impacting the world. Generation-X made their mark with their participation in individualism, but the Millennial are more focused on group-oriented accomplishments that result in bigger rewards. The older generation matriculated across the spectrum by developing the ‘self-expression’ motto, but they have grown out of their radicalism to become outstanding professionals. On the other hand, the Millennials are opening doors to advanced opportunities and diligent goals at an accelerated speed. We may have an extra drive to conquer every subject in the coming years, but we are still a young generation in tune with the world’s expansion. With more growth, the world will experience wonders as the Millennials’ contribution to the socio-economical developments in each nation. What more can we ask for? Each generation is and is making some remarkable milestones for future generations to make changes. With this, we should appreciate the distinctive characteristics presented by their contributions to each century. We will write a custom essay sample on Millennials Rising specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Millennials Rising specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Millennials Rising specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer
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