Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Kenneth Burke’s Dramatism Essay

Life is dramatization; assuming jobs corresponding to others. Enthusiasm for the communication of language and activity. Emblematic Interactionistâ€Language is representative activity. â€Å"Verbal images are significant acts from which thought processes can be inferred (Griffin, p. 329).† â€Å"Human beings†¦are an image making, image utilizing, and image abusing creature (Littlejohn, 1978, p. 69).† A hypothesis of Motivesâ€why do individuals act (especially logically) the manner in which they do? Survey thought processes. Writings/Speeches made by individuals to â€Å"DO SOMETHING.† Can be broke down to figure out what it is they are attempting to do. Recognizes human â€Å"Action† from Animal â€Å"Motion† Activity Motion Done on purpose;Behaviors that are non- willful conduct intentional/non-important for example DramatismïÆ' ª ïÆ' ªAll creatures and items Peoplehave movement ïÆ' ªÃ¯Æ' ª Forms of ThoughtThe investigation of movement is ïÆ' ªmechanism Comprehended through thought processes ïÆ' ª Pentad (device for getting thought processes) Thought process: Linguistic Product of Rhetorical Action Created a Grammar of Motives (â€Å"grammar† importance rules, standards, components, structure and additionally book) Motives are seen by Burke regarding inner wellsprings of activity; yet rather as far as how language and terms are utilized to make activities justifiable. Blame as Motive: blame is a â€Å"all-reason word for any sentiment of strain inside a personâ€anxiety, shame, self-loathing, nauseate, and so forth. (Littlejohn, 1978, p. 70).† We impart to cleanse ourselves of blame. Blame emerges out of language. Three wellsprings of blame: 1. The Negative: Language takes into account rules, ethics, and so on that encompass us and we can’t avoid abusing. 2. The Principle of Perfection: Language permits us to â€Å"imagine† the perfect (should). 3. The Principle of Heirarchy: Structure society with contending class and gathering qualifications We look for recovery (decrease or take out blame) through correspondence/talk/dramatism 1. Humiliation: self-fault 2. Victimage: outside foe is the source 3. Scapegoating: fault other(s) Substance: general nature of a thing Consubstantiation: (shared substance, shared trait) Distinguishing proof: (same as consub) degrees of; cognizant or oblivious; 1) material identificationâ€goods, assets, things 2) optimistic identificationâ€values, thoughts, emotions, perspectives 3) formal identificationâ€form or course of action of act/shows; jobs, customs, and so on. Divisionâ€differences with others (wellspring of blame) PENTAD Apparatus for getting thought processes Act SceneAgent Office Purpose (Hexad: Attitude: postponed or nascent activity) Articulation of thought processes will reply: What was done (act), when or where it was done (scene), who did it (operator), how it was done (organization), and why it was done (reason).

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